Our Goal:  To change the culture of youth and young adults, who exhibit negative behavior to become productive citizens of our society. By becoming positive catalysts and contributing members for their community.

·  To increase community awareness and aid those less fortunate  
·  To provide intervention and prevention services
·  To promote higher education
·  To assist with job readiness, vocational trade skills and establish work programs for  those                    willing to work 
.  To reduce violence among adolescents and young adults
.  Teaching responsibility, leadership and citizenship
.  To improve school attendance
.  To reduce behavior issues  

As we bridge the gap of misunderstanding, stigma, denial and other related matters.  COTM helps transform lives by equipping them with tools to find their purpose in life and become dynamic leaders within their community. 
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                                                                      Contact us

We welcome the opportunity to discuss potential partnership, sponsorship, to get involve or make a contribution.   

                                              Mailing Address:      P.O. Box 2256
                                                                              Cedar Hill, Texas 75106-2256
                                                                              Office: 469-693-8980 
                                                                            Email:  childmend@aol.com
                                                                            Website: www.comend.org

Office Hours: 
Tuesday -Wednesday -Thursday;   10:00 AM to 6:00 PM
 Saturday-  Appointments only

 Annual Back to School Health & Wellness Fair